Robot Assisted Shelling System

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PTC offers comprehensive, integrated cutting-edge, innovative process technologies with robotics and automation-assisted manufacturing for delivering the highest value to our customers. Over the years, PTC has built a state-of-the-art infrastructure for manufacture of a wide range of cast components using Advanced Manufacturing techniques to improve and innovate in products and processes using various best-in-class technologies, latest equipment, software, processes and best practices.

In order to improve the efficiency of production, PTC employs design, simulation, physical and computer modelling, advanced production technologies, and control techniques. Using rapid prototyping, near net shape manufacture, and precision casting and machining techniques, we are able to enhance the quality of our output and deliver consistently on quality and integrity.

Using the power of production orientated intelligent machines and production lines, the organisation has also implemented systems for extending the life and optimal utilisation of production facilities through efficient monitoring, maintenance and repair strategies.

The infrastructure and technical capabilities are brought together through efficient co-ordination and exploitation of manufacturing resources effectively utilising both physical resources, knowledge and research.

Hence, PTC has integrated advanced equipment and technologies with processes and systems to facilitate manufacturing of components with unmatched flexibility of design, quality and integrity previously impossible to achieve using conventional manufacturing processes. This provides us the capability to use technology to add value to our customers and provide them a sustainable, competitive advantage.